I've Been Tagged...
So, my friend Jess, "tagged" me. I'm supposed to list 10 weird/random things about myself and then tag others to do the same. Jess is my best friend, she knows me pretty well, so it might be a bit of a challenge to list 10 things. But I'll give it a try, into the "weird" depths of Susie; Enjoy!
1) I love pretty much all food that is the color orange. Yeap, if it's orange, I'll probably like it: carrots, TANG, squash, cheese, etc. About the only thing orange I don't like is orange soda.
2) I do not own a thong...I just don't see the point
(hope that wasn't too much info!)
3) When I was a little kid, my mom loved the show "Hill Street Blues" and so I wanted to be a cop when "I grew up"
4) I hate (and hate is a strong word that I try to avoid), Ground Hog's Day. I think it's the most absurd holiday ever. Folks get dressed up in a Tux to pull a vermit out of it's slumber and hold it up in front of a bunch of camera lights...why don't we get this excited about Earth Day???
5) I would love to one day be a bee keeper. I love honey (eventhough it's not orange) and I think bees are amazing insects.
6) I've been on TV 6 times.
7) I cried when the Sports Announcer for the St. Louis Cardinals, Jack Buck died and to this day I still get a little teary-eyed whenever I hear sound clips of him yelling "That's a winner!"
8) I can pop my right shoulder in and out of place.
9) I have a pet rock that sits on my desk at work...he's called Fraggle.
10) My first concert was to go see Reba McEntire...with my mom.
And to be sappy, I'm going to throw in #11 and say that I have the best friends in the world. They don't always realize it, but I really do have amazing friends!
Ok, now I tag:
Yellow over at A Roker Artist http://arokerartist.blogspot.com/
Nic from Finders Keepers Art Project http://fkartproject.blogspot.com/
And my friend Emily who is living in Spain right now http://mividaenespana.livejournal.com/
It's your all's turn. I've read all of your blogs, but now I want to know more about you!
1) I love pretty much all food that is the color orange. Yeap, if it's orange, I'll probably like it: carrots, TANG, squash, cheese, etc. About the only thing orange I don't like is orange soda.
2) I do not own a thong...I just don't see the point
(hope that wasn't too much info!)
3) When I was a little kid, my mom loved the show "Hill Street Blues" and so I wanted to be a cop when "I grew up"
4) I hate (and hate is a strong word that I try to avoid), Ground Hog's Day. I think it's the most absurd holiday ever. Folks get dressed up in a Tux to pull a vermit out of it's slumber and hold it up in front of a bunch of camera lights...why don't we get this excited about Earth Day???
5) I would love to one day be a bee keeper. I love honey (eventhough it's not orange) and I think bees are amazing insects.
6) I've been on TV 6 times.
7) I cried when the Sports Announcer for the St. Louis Cardinals, Jack Buck died and to this day I still get a little teary-eyed whenever I hear sound clips of him yelling "That's a winner!"
8) I can pop my right shoulder in and out of place.
9) I have a pet rock that sits on my desk at work...he's called Fraggle.
10) My first concert was to go see Reba McEntire...with my mom.
And to be sappy, I'm going to throw in #11 and say that I have the best friends in the world. They don't always realize it, but I really do have amazing friends!
Ok, now I tag:
Yellow over at A Roker Artist http://arokerartist.blogspot.com/
Nic from Finders Keepers Art Project http://fkartproject.blogspot.com/
And my friend Emily who is living in Spain right now http://mividaenespana.livejournal.com/
It's your all's turn. I've read all of your blogs, but now I want to know more about you!