January 02, 2007


Things I've Learned:
1) There actually are quaking aspen trees in Missouri; however, they are only found in the very Northeast corner of the state.
2) Harps have 47 strings and 7 pedals.
3) 2000 years ago, midwives would cut the umbilical cord of newborns with a hard-crust of bread! Using a disposable crust of bread was much more sanitary than a sharpened stone.

OK, so it's the New Year. A time to have a fresh, new start, a time to reflect on the past and resolve for the future and get all sentimental about various stuff. If I had a dollar for every time I've been asked, "So, Susie, what's your New Year's Resolution?" well, I'd be able to afford liposuction rather than actually sticking to a resolution to lose weight. Basically, everyone has the same resolutions, I call them the top three: lose weight, make lots of money at a new job and stop smoking or other bad habits.

For the past couple of years, another blogger, Christine Kane has been picking words to be mindful of for the coming year instead of making resolutions that just seem to get recycled from one year to the next. I thought, 'hey, I can handle a word to live by.' So for 2007 my word will be persistence.

Persistence, the act or quality of being steadfast, especially in time(s) of discouragement, opposition or obstacles; to perserver. I picked the word persistence because so many times I'll get excited about trying something new or starting a new project and then flake my way out of continuing with these projects when things get a little "hard." I have learned that I am an incredibly good rationalizer. If, for some reason, I'm feeling too lazy or unmotivated to do something that I know is good for me and growth, I can always rationalize my way out of what I should be doing.

My intent for being mindful of the word Persistence is to become more steadfast in living a more healthy and conscious life. I intend to be more persistent with my artwork, my friendships, my exercise, work, and yes, Blogging too! (This should make my friend, Emily very happy!) I hope that being mindful of the word presistence will teach me more about myself, the world around me and maybe even teach me about a few more words such as courage, determination, conscousness, kindness, or growth.


Anonymous said...

dearest susie,

you're right, i am THRILLED! i saw that you posted and i said out loud so everyone could hear "YES!!!!". i will write you a much better email later. but for now, persistence, yes, but don't ever give up the tang. promise?


Susie said...

How could I EVER give up Tang!?!